Marine Field Trip Report In Dutungan Island And Paputo Beach

Hay ladies and gentleman… Hay guys… welcome to my blog. In this opportunity, I want to share to you about my story view days ago when I went to Marine Field Trip, at Oct, 4-5th 2019 at Pangkep regency, Barru regency and Parepare city.
Day one, I have to gathered at campus (Tourism Polythecnic  of Makassar) at 06.00 in the morning, and doing the absention. After that, we entered our bag to the bus. And then, we got sound system that we used along the tour. After that, we pray before doing the trip, and then entering the bus at 07.00. we are passing some destination like Akkarena beach, Losari waterfront, Trans studio mall, and many other. We are guiding at the bus while waiting arrive at the first destination, and also we got refreshman or snack box. Yeyy….
And then, firstly we arrived at Tanjung Indah dock, and we need to use boat to get to the other place. And then, we arrive at the first destination, at DUTUNGAN ISLAND.
When we already arrived, the tour leader and advisor tell us to change our clothes. After that we meet with diver (instructor), they tell us and explain to us about what diving is, what the things we will use and wear while diving, what’s the function, hot to relax breathing in the water, what code or sign we can tell to the other diver, and many other. After we learn about that, hear the instructor, we have free time, my friends use it to pray, and also eat (lunch).
After lunch, the tour leader call some of our name to diving, and the other can waiting while snorkeling. And that time, I really want to diving first and I raise my hand, but that’s not my turn yet, so I have to wait, and I do snorkeling first. Firstly, we have to wear live jacket, and than snorkeling glasses, and frog shoes. But at that time, I’m not wearing frog shoes. Firstly, I’m so scared, because I tough myself can’t swimming. And also this is the first time to me to do snorkeling and diving. But the instructor  always cheer me up, and then I told to myself that I have to jump. So I think, IF I NEVER TRY, I WILL NEVER KNOW. And than, I jump in to the water and the instructor catch me. He teach me how to relax, breathing using the hose, how to float, and the other. After some minutes, he let me snorkeling by myself. At that time, I’m so proud, brave, happy, relax, enjoy everything. After little bit long time, I go to the land, and prepare to diving. We have tu queue, to get the complete attribute. After waiting for long time, so, that’s my turn to diving. Firstly the instructor tell me to hold the oxygen hose and glasses with the same palm and hold it hard. But, I’m not really do that so after jump, water entering my glasses. But also my glasses little bit bigger, so water can enter in it, but just a little, so I hold it when diving. At the water, I can see the floor of the sae, it’s sand and also corals, reef, and beautiful view. At the water, water pressure hurt my ears, same like we at the airplane, but this hurter. When I feel it, I close my nose  and breathe trough the ears. So it can less the pain. I do that at least twice or three times, but than it hurts so much, so I tell the instructor that my ears is hurt. He give me sign to do “breath trough the ears” but it’s just to hurt, so I give him sign to go to the top. When I swim to the top, he push the button to filling gas to the jacket so I can get the top faster. After that, I open the diving attribute. And, I decide to snorkeling again because I already missing the sea and corals, and the fish. So I just change the diving glasses to snorkeling glasses. I fell I already know how to do it, and I brave enough so I jump in to the water again without wearing live jacket. I only wearing snorkeling glasses and frog shoes. According to me, the different between using frog shoes and not is, if I use, it make swimming easier, but, it makes me tired earlier and little bit hurt my foot, because it heavy enough. And if I use sandals/sleepers it’s easier to swim because it’s not heavy, but using sandals make swim little bit slow. I swimming around the place alone by myself, little bit far from the other people to enjoy and relax the view and the corals. When I swimming, I see so many kind of beautifull creature of God, awesome view, reef, corals, pretty fish, sea horse, and so many sea urchins. I so enjoy the snorkeling. It’s so quiet, it can less my stress, and I very enjoy it. This is my first time to do snorkeling and diving, but it make memories at my brain and heart that I will never forget. This trip, make me more care about environment, how to keep clean our environment, our beach, our earth. The easiest way is NOT TRHOWING TRASH anywhere.  Because, we don’t know what will hapen with all those trash, garbage. Not all ot it ended up at the right place, many of them also ended up at the sea and ocean. Fish can traped at the plastic bag, sea turtles can eat the straw because they thing that is their food (jellyfish), bird ate the plastic, dolphins, whale, and the other animals. This trip is also make me fall in love with sea. I hope, I have the other opportunities to do it again (snorkeling/diving) at that place and the other place.

After it, I go to the land, and take a bath and change my clothes. After that we take photo banner. After that we play some games. And then we go to the dock and go to Parepare city to the hotel by bus.

And then, we arrived at the hotel at Parepare city namely DELIMA SARI HOTEL. Firstly we check in. I got third floor, and I have one room mate. And then we got some free time to take a rest, bath, and prepare to night activities like dinner, discus, and entertaint.

And we have to gathered at the loby at 07.00, and then we walk together to the restaurant, namely Ayam Penyet Ria.

It takes about 5 minutes walking from the hotel. After we fisnish our dinner, we go back to the hotel, and gathered at hotel restaurant to do the discus and entertaint. The matery that we discus about is K3 (security, comfort, safety), and aplicated it on the trip we was do.

After we finish it, we got free time again, and we back to our room. I have funny tragedy or story that night. My room mate have job to waking up the other at 04.30 in the morning. Her alarm sound on, at 04.00, but she doesn’t hear it. I wake up, and she not. So I decide to wake her up. But, it’s so dark and I still sleppy, so, I fall from the bed. That makes my friend shoock and then screaming, because I fall at a table between my bed and her bed. And the crazier thing is, the table is made of woods and glass. Its hurt my mouth, my head, waist, and arm. Some part of my body get bruised. That’s painfull and funny at the same time, I laughing at myself while tears out of my eyes, hahaha, and I make it as lesson.
Wake up in the morning, we have morning exercise to do. It at 06.00 in the morning. We running, jogging around the hotel, and we go to Habibie and Ainun True Love statue fore some minutes.

And than we go back to the hotel to breakfast. After that we changed our clothes an then check out.

After that we going to the next destination, the name is PAPUTO BEACH.

We are observing over there, same as at Dutungan Islansd. We also get free time here, we d spend it to dancing, singing, and play some games. After that we go back to the bus, and ready to go back at Makassar, especially our beloved campus TOURISM PHOLYTECHNIC OF MAKASSAR. We also stop at TERAS EMPANG restaurant to lunch. After that e continue to back to Makassar.

Along the way back, the only thing I do just sleep, because I tired enough and sleepy. And then we arrived at Makassar at 04.40 at afternoon. And we give back the sound system and then back to our own house.
I think that’s all the experience and story that I can tell to you guys in this opportunity at marine tour. Thank you so much to reading this blog. I’m so sorry if in this blog so many less, mistakes, because this is my first blog. But, I hope you can enjoy to read this, I also hope this blog can help you on anything, example information of destination and something like that. I hope we can have another opportunities to do snorkeling or diving, or even have opportunities to meet each other.
I think that’s all. If you want me to accompany you to go to some destination, aspecially at Makassar city, you can contact me. All at my bio. You also can DM me on my Instagram (@indahpsptsr___) and also subscribe my youtube channel (Indah Puspitasari) to know more about destination.
Thank you so much, see you on the next blog and next vlog.


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