Hay, back with me again, Indah Puspitasari the best ever. I know you missing me right? Haha…
In this opportunity I’ll tell you my story when I went to Toraja view days ago, at 21-23 Oct 2019, NATURE FIELD TRIP, TORAJA, 3D2N. over there we do tracking and hiking. Honestly, this is the secccond time to go to Toraja after Widya Wisata (you can check my Instagram @indahpsptsr___).

Toraja is a place full of beautifulness. Doesn’t only known by the culture, history and heritage, but also by the nature. And doesn’t only known by local people, but also one of most famous and interesting destination that tourist want to visit. Toraja is a place that you will never get in another place. Toraja have so many unique and interesting thing that makes people fall in love with. The culture in Toraja, still keeped by the people. That’s a good thing to know and people or tourist also interested to come to visik aand knowing more about Toraja.
Okey, now I will tell you about my story of nature fiel trip. Natcaaaahh…..

Okey. Day one, at 21 Oct, I have to gathered at campus, before 7.30 in the morning. After that wee doin photo banner and then we start our trip at 8.00.
The route is Makassar – Maros – Pangkep – Barru – Pare-pare – Sidrap – Entrekang – Toraja.  And then we take a rest and have lunch at Kupa beach restaurant. We got welcome drink. And that is so delicious. A drink it about three cups. Haha… 

After that, we enter the bus again to continue our trip, and then we got a twisted road at Enrekang regency. That is extrimaly fun, hehe…. And we also have a coffee break time at Bambapuang and we can see beautiful view of Gunung nona, Enrekang regency.

After that, we continue our trip, and late afternoon we arrived at Toraja especially at Indra Toraja Hotel. After that, we changed our chlothes to white and dark jeans, and after that we go to dinner at Ayam Penyet Ria. After that, we have an free program and take a rest for preparing our stamina to tracking and hiking in the next day.
And then, yeah. Day two. The day, the most waited day is come. Our time description is 5,6,7. 5.00 we woke up, 6.00 we breakfast, 7.00 we start our activities. And after breakfats we start to tracking. It almost one day full we doing tracking and hiking. And we visiting so may tourist attraction ofer there. Like, the first is, we found a place, a field rice, but over there so many big rocks. My leture said “this rocks, believed as volcanic rocks, and that’s right. As you can see the rocks it self. But, according to history, there is no volcanic active mountain ever ceming out that rocks. So that very interesting”. After that, we tracking just a little bit and we are already found the other tourist attraction. The name is Tongkonan Berurung.

Tongkonan is a traditional house from Toraja. And in tongkonan, every inch in it is meaning something. That’s make me so amaized about Toraja especially Tongkonan. My lecture said, tongkonan dividet to two tipes, there are tongkonan and alang. If the tongkonan have so many buffalo horn in front of it, that’s mean it’s from a goo, or rich family. Alang is a place to place the food after harvest, like rice and the other. And toraja’;s carving and painting is so beautiful and meaningfull. Every carving meaning something. Like chicken, sun, and the other. We take some photo over there, and then we move to the other place. Along the street it’s easy to find coffee tree. Toraja also known by the coffee. We also seen local people, some kind of animals like, buffalo, pig and dog. We also visited a house that they are preparing a ceremony called Rambu Solo for December ahead. After that we continuing to tracking but I choose to hiking also, because I want the more extreme ways. So I choose the hiking one to can rach the restaurant. It almost 30 minutes hiking, crossing field rice. But when I arrived at the restaurant, I can see the beautifull view of Toraja. I can see field rice, local people houses and mountains. The name of the restaurant is Guest House and Coffee Shop Mentirotiku Batutumonga.

After some hours over there, we continuing the tracking. We crossing forest, and then we also find a tongkonan that stil on procces, painting procces especially, and then we visit the last tourist attraction, the name is Erong Lombok. Erong Lombok is a tomb in a cave. Over there is so many bones and skull. But theirs is also a reminder for the tourist to don’t touch the bones and skull.

After that, we visit Todi, to buy some souvenir. After that, we go back to the hotel, changed chlothes to batik, and then we dinner at New Aras caffe. After that we have a free time or brak time to take a rest.
The last day at toraja. Day three. After we finished our breakfast, we check out from the hotel, and we visited one of the café at Toraja, the name is KAA café. We learn so many thing over there because the owner tell us so many things. That make us doesn’t only taste the coffee but also we back home with some knowledge of coffee. After that we go to Lakipadada statue, after that we continuing our trip.

We have a coffee break again at Enrekang regency, at the same place. And then we continue again, and we have our lunch at Teras Empang. And we also visit local house and meet local people around here, and we can see the procces of making salty fish. After that we still continuing and have dinner at Maros, at rumah makan suka-suka, at grand mall Maros. After that, late of evening wearrived at Makassar especially at campus, Tourism Pholythecnic of Makassar.
Yeah… I think that’s all the story of the nature field trip. Little bit tired but so much fun. I think that’s all. I’m sorry if here so many minus things on this blog, because im just a beginner, and I also want to say sorry about the writing, if there so many typo. I think that’s all, don’t forget to visit my other social media, all in bio/description. Thank you so much, see you on the next blog and byee……


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